Unfortunately, no one can be told what Redcore Linux is. You have to see it for yourself!
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Hey, appearently its possible to use the Kernel of COS on Gentoo, will it be possible here as well? and will updates interfere with this "mod"? If s.o. knows if I will need to update the kernel manually then, please let me know. Best
Heres the github source. https://github.com/CachyOS/linux-cachyo … ile#gentoo
Out of curiousity, I ran the command, its says the "Cachyos-kernels" repos couldnt be found. I guess thats due to the fork nature of redcore? I'd be happy if someone could help. Appearently, the Kernel adds the extra 1-3 % speed on top in games, many praise its responsivity.
Last edited by KornilowKopfKürzer (2024-12-31 06:37:52)