Redcore Linux Project Forum

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#1 2023-06-26 10:29:41

Registered: 2023-06-26
Posts: 3

Redcore of other KDE

How do one acquire Redcore installer to install Redcore with DE else ?

I'd install Redcore with Xfce DE instead, can anyone help me out ?


#2 2023-06-26 17:05:28

Registered: 2021-11-04
Posts: 99

Re: Redcore of other KDE

abd wrote:

How do one acquire Redcore installer to install Redcore with DE else ?

The only ISO image we ship is KDE Plasma. There is and there won't be any XFCE ISO image, unless someone is willing to build it. I am willing to build the XFCE packages required and push them to the repos, but I don't have the time to build the ISO image. If someone is willing to step in, I'm more than happy to provide guidance.


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